Unigraf 中国办事处 微信账号: Unigraf_001 官方网站 : https://unigraf-china.cn 电邮 : sales.asia@unigraf.fi 微信 QR Code Wechat customer service (Account ID: Unigraf_001)
Unigraf 台湾办事处 114066 台北市內湖區基湖路35巷49號2樓之1 联络人 : Oliver Wu 电话: +886 931-148-816 电邮: sales.asia@unigraf.fi
ASTRODESIGN, Inc. 1-5-2 Minami-Yukigaya Ota-ku Tokyo, Japan 145-0066 Contact: Koji Okazawa Tel: +81-3-5734-6320 Fax: +81-3-5734-6104 web: www.astrodesign.co.jp
Argo Corporation 1-13-48 Interplanet Building 9th Floor Esaka-cho, Suita Osaka 564-0063 Contact: Shirotae Yasuhiro Tel: +81 6-6339 3366 Fax: +81 6-6339 3365 web: www.argocorp.com
Energy & Sensor Co., Ltd. 4, Hyoryeong-ro, 40-gil, Seocho-Gu, Seoul Contact: Mr. J.D. Chai Tel: +82 2-581-8252 Fax: +82 2-581-8254 web: www.eands.co.kr email: sales@eands.co.kr
Ellisys India Private Limited C/o. Regus- The Estate Building, 8th floor, Dickenson Road, Bangalore – 560042. Contact: Sundharamoorthy C. Tel: +91-98409 40860 email: sundharamoorthy.c@unigraf.fi
Ellisys India Private Limited C/o. Regus- The Estate Building, 8th floor, Dickenson Road, Bangalore – 560042. Contact: Sundharamoorthy C. Tel: +91-98409 40860 email: sundharamoorthy.c@unigraf.fi